East Riding Community Foundation Trust

Monthly Donation - Your online donations support East Riding Community Foundation Trust with running costs, ongoing projects, future projects and repayment of Qarz-e-Hasanah (Loans).

Gift Aid

Please note: you will have to enter your address details when donating for Gift Aid to be eligible

Please select the box below if you would like to authorise East Riding Community Foundation Trust to claim Gift Aid on this donation.

Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows East Riding Community Foundation Trust to reclaim the tax you have paid on your donation.
You must pay an amount of UK Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax at least equal to the amount that all charities and CASCs reclaim on your donations in that tax year. It is your responsibility to pay any difference.

Please Note: This is a monthly donation, you will be charged immediately and then subsequent payments will be taken on the 15th of each month.